The symposium on optimising footwear in rugby and football was held on Monday, 5 June at the Paris La Défense Arena. An event that came about as a result of the partnership with Racing 92.

We had the pleasure of seeing 120 podiatrists come together during this scientific congress, all invited by their TCF to spend a great afternoon led by 3 speakers and a facilitator:

  • Pr. Philippe Rouch, researcher at the Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak - Arts et Métiers Sciences et Technologies
  • Dr. Sylvain Blanchard, Racing 92 Medical & Scientific Director
  • Mr Jean-Philippe Viseu, podiatrist of Racing 92 Rugby Team - MSc Psychology, Motor Control and Sports Performance, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Ms Karine Langlois, Director of IFMK (Institut de Formation en Masso-Kinésithérapie) of EFOM (École de Formation en Ostéopathie de Marseille)

This very enriching symposium for all of our clients concluded with a presentation of the Intelimat on Premium Station by Podiatech's R&D department.

We're delighted to have been able to put the spotlight on podiatry at this scientific congress, and more specifically on top-level sport.

We have always been committed to bringing podiatry to life in a wide variety of fields through our partnerships with the INSEP (Institut National du Sport, de l'Expertise et de la Performance), the universities of Reims and Chambéry, the GIGN (Grupo de Intervención de la Gendarmería Nacional), the Olympique Lyonnais and the French national team with Jean-Marcel Ferret, the NHL teams in the US and the ASTANA cycling team in 2023.